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Making Agriculture More Sustainable

The pressure is on for the agricultural industry in a big way. For decades, people have been concerned about the environmental damage that agriculture has introduced. But the awareness of these issues has been on the increase in recent years. And that's not all: the damage that is being done is also on the rise.

Of course, the agriculture industry isn't the only industry doing all the damage. Everyone, to some extent, is to blame. But there is an increased responsibility when it comes to the bigger industries. If you work in the agriculture industry, it’s important that you take steps to ensure you minimize environmental damage.

All of this will reap the obvious benefit of creating a safer, greener planet. But there are also benefits that are less talked about. The fact is that when you aim to be more sustainable in your work techniques, you often end up saving a lot of money too!

Have a look through these suggestions.

More research

This can take form in one of two ways; preferably, you’ll be looking into ways to do both effectively. The first is to do your own independent research into alternatives for your farming methods. Some of the alternatives may not be hard to find. For example, if you need to reduce your water use then you’ll probably find ways pretty quickly.

The other is to invest in professional research and development. This will help you develop new techniques and technologies specific to your company. Some business owners may find themselves unable to adopt the methods and policies of others to the letter. This is why you may have to look into company-specific research and development!

Follow examples

Some people are happy to demonize the entire agriculture industry. Because of some damning figures, many will tar every company working in agriculture with the same brush. But this is hardly a fair assessment. The fact is that there are plenty of companies who are advancing their ecological techniques and are starting to make a difference.

The folks at Wiggeby Farm have gained renown for their forward-thinking methods. There are many in the salmon farming industry who are also taking positive steps. Don’t be afraid to find out how they do it and following their examples! 

Enhanced technology

The right technology can improve a great many things. One of the biggest technological reveals in modern farming has been the development of the driverless tractor. Yes, tractors that function very much like those weird Google Cars! One of the their key features is the reduction in fuel use. But they’re a long way off yet, and will probably be introduced at prohibitive prices.

For now, there are probably a lot of technology options you could look into. Something as simple as an upgrade to your irrigation system is a good place to start. There are new tracking technologies that can help you measure soil fertility and predict yield amounts. Looking into solar power methods are also great solutions for many farms. 

These things can help reduce the waste of water, fuel and electricity. (It can also help save on worker effort, which I’m sure many will appreciate!)

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