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3 Countries Focused On Improving Renewable Energy

For quite some time, people have been talking about renewable energy. World governments are aware that things need to be done to help stop global warming. So, countries all over the world were advised to look into renewable energy sources. By utilizing these, they could reduce greenhouse gasses and help save the environment.

But, which countries are doing their best when it comes to renewable energy? Listed below are some places that are making renewable energy a top priority: 


3 Countries Focused On Improving Renewable Energy, Sweden

If you’ve been following the news, then you won’t be surprised with Sweden being on my list. They’re a country that’s well known for being as eco-efficient as possible. Last year, the Swedish government made one of the boldest claims of all time.Their aim is to completely eradicate fossil fuel usage, they want to use only renewable energy in Sweden. They’ve invested tons of money in solar and wind energy over the last few years as well.

 In addition to this, they’re trying to develop clean transport as well. The Swedes are thoroughly determined to take action and become a country devoted to renewable energy sources. It will be interesting to see if and when they become completely fossil fuel free.


3 Countries Focused On Improving Renewable Energy, India 

India is a massive country with a huge population. As such, it has a big responsibility on its hands. With such a big country, there’s a chance to make a large impact on global warming. By using more and more renewable energy sources, they can greatly reduce carbon emissions. India’s renewable energy conference this year saw so many plans put into place. 

They aim to have 100GW solar capacity by 2022. They’re also spending over $100 billion dollars in renewable energy investments over the next few years. India is determined to do their bit for the environment. They realize that their country has a huge role to play in reducing global warming. With the plans they have in place, they’re fully focussed on becoming a greener country. 


3 Countries Focused On Improving Renewable Energy, Germany 

Stereotypically, everyone looks at Germany as a very efficient place. We’ve grown used to them producing efficient cars and other machinery. But, they’re also focussing a lot of attention on energy-efficiency too. Although the country doesn’t see a huge amount of sun, it’s a leader in solar energy. It has the largest solar PV capacity in the world, which is mightily impressive.

Furthermore, they’re making great use of renewable energy sources in general. German residents can see around 78% of their daily electricity powered by renewable sources. It’s an incredible feat, and this seems like just the beginning too. As technology advances, there will be even more they can do with renewable energy.

It’s fascinating to look at what some countries are doing for our environment. You don’t see this in the news an awful lot because people have lost interest. Largely, this is down to the fact that global warming isn’t as big of an issue as it was a few years ago. This is thanks to countries like these and their attempts to be more energy-efficient and reduce fossil fuel usage.

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