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It’s always interesting to think about what the future might hold, and one area in which being ready for the future is always important is in money management. You have to be ready for what the future is going to throw at you next because if you’re not, your savings can really take a hit, and your future will be less secure as result. So what does the future of money management actually look like and what should you know about it? Read on to find out.

Ethical Investing

More and more people are becoming concerned about the ethicality of their investments. We’re seeing many people and many financial experts divesting from fossil fuels as the problems created by climate change start to really bite. So in the future, the ethics of investing will most likely be even bigger than it’s getting right now, and that’s a good thing for the future of the planet at least.

Less Cash

For a start, there will be a lot less physical cash around in the future as the world is already turning to a contactless and cashless future. It might be a long time before we touch physical cash altogether, but things are certainly going that way gradually. It’s most obvious in countries like China where the non-cash society is being fully embraced by the population that’s enjoying contactless payments.

Algorithms Helping You Make Decisions

It’s not the case that people are always best placed to help you with your money. The debate around betterment vs personal capital returns in in part about algorithms because these play are part in betterment options. It’s becoming increasingly common for algorithms to be used in letting people know how their money can best be invested for the future, so that’s something that you should definitely keep in mind.

Better Financial Advice

It used to be the case that the only people who sought financial advice from a planner or accountant were people who were already wealthy and successful. But that’s not the case so much anymore. More and more people are making the most of these services, and rates are more affordable for people than they might have been in the past and the industry opens up to more people.

Automated Payments and Great Control in Your Hands

Automated payments are starting to change how we manage the money flowing out of our accounts each month. By automating the processes, it becomes easier to plan out budgets in advance and to ensure that you always have yourself covered from a financial point of view. It puts the control back where it should be; in your hands and the hands of people like you.

Managing your money might seem like an impossible mission at times, but it might be even easier in the future. There are so many ways in which money and how we manage it is going to change in the years ahead, and we can’t predict all of those changes with accuracy.

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