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Kenneth, kenneth ikonne, JUNE 12: THE PARADOX OF AN HONOUR!
There can be no doubt that both Gani Fawehinmi and Chief M.K.O. Abiola are deserving of the highest honour! I thank President Buhari for honouring them and for naming the 12th of June as the new DEMOCRACY day!

That was the day in 1993 that the incomparable Chief Abiola was elected President in an election that was adjudged the freest and fairest in our history. Unfortunately, Chief Abiola was not to be inaugurated, as a conclave of military hawks thwarted the mandate and nullified the election. Abiola lost his life in detention in a resolute but futile battle to reclaim his mandate, while the indefatigable Chief Gani Fawehinmi suffered unspeakable brutality and privation in the earlier crusade to revalidate the mandate! 

Truly, both men tower in the vastness of our country's history, and to have remembered them in the way the President has instituted is the right thing to do. But like everything else Buhari has done, the honour is foreshadowed by a tinge of absurdity and incompetence! Why was the announcement that June 12 is the new DEMOCRACY DAY not made before May 29th, the previous DEMOCRACY DAY that has just been celebrated with fanfare by even Buhari himself?

Now, the nation has to live with the uncommon absurdity of observing two DEMOCRACY days within a span of 13 days!

The irony and cynicism of Buhari's gesture is only attenuated by the epic sacrifice of the two illustrious and fallen patriots! It must not be lost on the discerning that their lives, and their example, were the very antithesis of Buhari's nihilism, and all that he stands for. And Buhari never hid his disdain for both men while they lived, and not for once sympathised with any of them over their travails!

Abiola's "murderer" was Sani Abacha, Buhari's friend and benefactor, and the same Sani Abacha also murdered Kudirat, Abiola's wife. Yet, only very recently, President Buhari expressed deep veneration for Abacha, despite Abacha's villainy and unhidden depredations! I am yet to come to terms with the brutal paradox of veneration of the murderer - and the sanctification of his victim!

Notwithstanding the veiled political brinksmanship of the posthumous honours, I congratulate the families of Chief Abiola and Gani Fawehinmi, and urge them to accept the garlands. It's an honour that was supremely earned, and that has been rather late in coming. I salute the fallen and uncoronated Commander in Chief, and pay my respects to the uncommon courage and heroism of Chief Gani Fawehinmi!

- Kenneth Ikonne

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