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Travis Greene Shares a Wow Miracle and His Fans React

Travis Greene Shares a Wow Miracle and His Fans React
Sensational gospel artist Pastor Travis Greene took to his social media page to share the Amazing testimony and miracles on his deliverance as well as his kid, his oldest son.
The crooner of one of the top trending gospel hit made a way, song inspired by the series of miracles he experienced as written:
" I am a Living Testimony!! After falling 4 floors out of a window at the age of 4; after overcoming obstacle after obstacle, after the doctor gave up on my oldest son while he was still in the womb; I’ve seen God’s power first hand. He is a miracle worker. That’s enough for me to send His message around the world. What’s your story 👇🏾?! Your story is powerful that will lead many to Him! #EngageCulture " Travis said.

Reacting to his testimonies, fans had to drop their own testimonies on the various turning points of their lives as God
intervened and changed the situation

Bad accident - Ruptured spleen,  internal bleeding,  lost 80% of the blood in my body, fractured scapula,  5 pints of blood,  7 hours of surgery,  insomnia caused by severe pain. Long and painful road to recovery.  But Jesus had my back! Always had and always will. When the doctors said no,  you said yes,  when they pronounced me dead,  you said not yet. I've come back to say "thank you Lord"! Osekita

Wendy Hendricks said "I was 20 when I got blind. One morning I was prepairing to go to work. As I approached the gate I suddenly went blind. I ended up in different hospitals. But while I was in those hospitals God has been using me. I spoke to people whom I have never seen, I shared the Gospel with them and they wept. Another girl who did not believe she got saved and the moment she declaired she got saved even the nurses attitude was changing. I was so close to loosing my sight but God made it clear to me...He is not finished with me until He will give me what He has promised. From a certain time I was just quiet. I just kept my faith and a few days before Christmas I got my sight back...there was light within the darkness that I have experienced. God is a mighty King."

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