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Cool Christmas Gifts For All Your Tech-Loving Friends

Are you rushing around trying to get all your Christmas shopping sorted? If you haven’t even started, you will need to join the Christmas rush soon as there is only a week to go until the big day! 

Maybe you haven’t started yet because you are still unsure what to get all your friends and relatives. Well, to help you out here is our pick of all the best gifts for all your tech-loving friends and family.

Cool Christmas Gifts For All Your Tech-Loving Friends


Do you know someone who absolutely loves the Back to the Future film trilogy? Well, if so, the will have a huge smile on their face if they find that Santa brought them a hoverboard! These awesome boards aren’t just something that is seen in sci-fi movies anymore. 

It’s possible to buy them in many good toy stores. You can also get some that are totally suitable for adults. You can discover some practical information online before you buy.


Want to really treat someone special? Then why not gift them some wearable tech, such as a smartwatch. These fun watches contain all the same technology found in smartphones, so you can use them to do a lot more than just tell the time. 

They are great for the professional in your life who is always checking work emails and calling clients. Now they can do all that from their smartwatch!



Have you heard about Amazon’s Alexa yet? It is a cool little gadget that can help you stay organized around the house. It’s basically a wireless speaker that you can hook up to your devices. But the cool thing about this speaker is that it will talk to you! 

Alexa can keep you up to date by announcing all your upcoming appointments and meetings, so you will never be late again. That’s not all, though. If you ask her, Alexa will tell you the latest weather reports and can help you shop online. Pretty cool, right?!

Cool Christmas Gifts For All Your Tech-Loving Friends


Virtual Reality Headset

Many people think that virtual reality will take the gaming world by storm in 2017. So it’s a good idea to prepare your friend who loves gaming now and buy them a virtual reality headset for their birthday.

All the need to do is download a game app onto their smartphone and then attach their phone to the headset. Once they put the headset on, they will be sent to a fantastic virtual reality world!


Funky Phone Cases

Do you have to do this year’s Christmas shopping on a budget? No problem! There are still plenty of cool tech gadgets and gizmos that you will be able to find for not too much cash. One of the best is a funky phone case.

Everyone needs a phone case these days, and if you buy a unique one, your friend is sure to fall in love with it straight away! Now their phone will be super secure as well as look totally stylish!

Hopefully, this tech gift guide has given you loads of fresh ideas!

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