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One of the things I loath the most is a dull and negative spirit. Some people are only good at lamenting and complaining about their past and present predicaments -some even write themselves(hence the future) off as a result thereof.

I learnt to keep off such people as a teenager after reading Norman Vincent Peale's "The power of positive thinking". Note that keeping off is always the last option I have left when motivation becomes impossible.

See, your current position or predicament isn't the end of your life- don't condemn your tomorrow because of whatsoever you're going through today. It's always good to speak positive words into your future. I remember sitting at the pool lounge of a '5' star hotel last year, Channel view hotel in Calabar to be precise.

The manager of the place was also there with a friend and we all started conversing. He told us about how Governor Akpabio who was a personal friend used to come lodge there when he was still a commissioner in the cabinet of Governor Victor Attah.

Then, most Akwa Ibom based people used to fly to other parts of Nigeria through the Calabar airport. Long and short- Akpabio missed a flight to Lagos one day because he couldn't get to Calabar(from Uyo) in time and declared to Mr Manager that he was going to build an airport in Uyo when he became governor.

Then, Akpabio wasn't even in contention to succeed Victor Attah as Governor of Akwa Ibom. We all know how things panned out years later- Akpabio became Governor and Uyo now has an airport. I also heard an account about former legendary cross river state governor Donald Duke.

 In the early 90's, when he was just an ordinary 'bloody civilian' in the military era, he used to drive round Calabar with his wife and tell her how he was going to change the face of the city when he became Governor. The rest as they say, is now history.

I also heard a grapevine story about Rotimi Amaechi. Many years ago, he used to be a very poor teacher(no disrespect meant, just for emphasis). His main hobby was borrowing from his fellow teachers as his salary was never enough for him.

In fact, he not only borrowed money, he borrowed and always found it difficult to repay. Whenever Amaechi was confronted by his creditors, he would say something like "don't worry, when I become governor, I'll pay you ten times over".

In this case also, the rest is now history. Finally, as a black ten year old kid studying in Indonesia, Obama was once asked by his teacher what he wanted to be in future and he stood up before the class and said he was going to be the President of America. As expected, what was suppose to draw applause drew mockery from both his fellow pupils and teacher alike but like in the previous examples I gave, the rest is now history.

Self belief is very important, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Always harbour positive thoughts, speak positively into your future, keep positive thinking people around you, believe in yourself and most importantly trust in God because in him lies your bright future.

- By Simon Utsu
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