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LET'S Make More Money With Freelance Writing

LET'S Make More Money With Freelance Writing
Let me guess — you're here because you're not making as much money as you'd like from freelance writing.
You know you're a good writer, but you aren't sure how to market yourself and find high-paying clients.

And it sucks.

Instead of living comfortably, you're scraping by every month with the hopes that next month will be better.
Sound familiar?

If so, I've got some good news:
Your freelance writing business and income can get better if you're willing to put in the work and learn how to market yourself.

And I'm saying that from experience.
I made $200 in my first full month as a full-time freelance writer.

And within 8 months of full-time freelance writing, I was making over $1,000 per month. (I'm not saying this to brag, by the way – I'm telling you so you can see that's it's not unrealistic to grow your freelance writing income fast!)

It's not because I'm some amazing writer with lots of connections and many years of experience writing professionally (nope!). I just used a proven process for setting up my business and winning clients.

And it worked.

I'm talking tons of crazy actionable info that'll change your freelance writing career for the better, including:

Why you need a niche + HOW to pick one
How to create a freelance writer website that sets you up for cold emailing success
How to market your freelance writing business and find high-paying clients
My #1 marketing method for newbie freelance writers
Are you as pumped as I am to get started?!
I hope so.

But before we get started, I need to make something clear:
This is not a group for freelance writers who want to use content mills or bidding sites like Fiverr, Peopleperhour, UpWork etc.

Maybe you've been told that those are the best ways to start freelance writing. Yes, I started there but now I know better.

But that couldn't be further from the truth.

Wondering why?

Here are 3 good reasons:

1. Content mills and bidding sites don't give you solid experience or help you set yourself up to attract high-paying clients.

I bet that you've been told that content mill sites like Upwork and Fivver are "a great way to gain experience and build your portfolio." I only have one response to that:


Because the pieces you write for content mills aren't going to be high-quality — no matter how good of a writer you are. Mills typically just want writers who can churn out low-quality SEO content fast.
And that kind of portfolio piece isn't going to lead you to better-paying clients in the future.

As far as gaining experience...
I don't believe in good writers starting out working for a measly 2 cents per word, which is what you'll find most "clients" on Fiverr and Upwork offering.

If you can write well, then you can write well.
And it's time for you to stop wasting your time and talents working for low-paying clients who don't respect you or your work.

Because you DON'T need a ton of experience — you just need to be able to deliver what the client wants. (Always remember this!)

2. Content mills and bidding sites strip you of control of your career.
One of the most frustrating things about sites like Upwork and Fiverr is that they take you out of the driver's seat when it comes to your freelance writing career.

You can't demand high pay — you have to settle for what you're offered. And it usually just ends up being a race to the bottom.

On top of that, bidding sites and content mills take some of your hard-earned money in exchange for linking you up with clients. This takes you out of control of your income.
Wouldn't you rather get your own clients and pocket that cash?

3. Content mills and bidding sites are waste of your time.
I get it — you might be thinking this:
But Bamidele! I've found a few decent clients on Fiverr, UpWork, PPH. It's not that bad.
Okay, but how long did it take you to find those clients? And did they really pay/treat you well? And are you really building the business you want by taking on UpWork clients?

Think about that.
And just imagine what would happen if you used the time you'd normally spend digging through UpWork or writing content mill pieces in a different, better way.

...Like setting up a freelance writing business and marketing yourself in a way that helps you attract high-paying clients.

See what I'm getting at here?
As a freelance writer, you have to play the long game if you want to rake in some serious cash. That means turning down content mill work and resisting the temptation of bidding sites so you can create a sustainable, profitable business.

It's not super easy, but it's also not as difficult as you probably think! And if I can do it, then you can too.
Keep your eyes peeled for tomorrow's lesson — I'm going to go over exactly how you can lay a foundation for freelance writing success.

Here's your assignment for today:
I want you to drop a comment (yes — I'm serious!) and let me know WHY you want to build a highly profitable freelance writing business.

What would it mean to you? How would it change your life? I want to know who is following these series so that I will know how best to mentor you.



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