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5 Possible Reasons Why People Can't Access Your Website


There’s nothing more frustrating than spending all that time creating a website for no-one to be able to access it! Unfortunately, creating your website is just one part of the overall process, if they can’t view it, something has gone wrong somewhere. For businesses, this could mean losing valuable sales, so this is an important issue that needs to be dealt with. 

There are lots of reasons why your website might be inaccessible, but here are a few common examples.

  1. You Didn’t Set It Up Correctly

When you create a website, you go through a hosting provider. Those who don’t know what they’re doing often use an inbuilt website builder for the task. These builders provide you with real-time updates as to what your website looks like before it goes out to the world. There are additional steps that you need to follow in order to allow everyone else to see it, though.

 Check your hosting provider’s tips in order to help you go live.


  1. Hosting Issues

One of the things that can affect a website’s visibility is a bad hosting provider. When you register your domain and create a website, you rely on your hosting to store all the information. The problem is that when you're hosting provider suffers from downtime, so does your website. Suddenly, your viewers will be presented with error pages, and they won’t be able to access it. If this is happening on a regular basis, it might be time to think about changing to better hosting providers.

  1. Wrong URL

It might just be that they’re typing the wrong URL into the address bar! If this is the case, they’ll normally be greeted with an error page or maybe a totally different website entirely! This is why it’s very important to create a domain that is easily memorable. When you create your site, think long and hard about what you want your website’s URL to be.


  1. Google Ranking Error Pages

When Google ranks your pages in its search engine, it does so to improve your website’s visibility. Sometimes, error pages get lost in the mix, and Google starts ranking pages that you don’t want to be seen! Ideally, most error pages result in 404 or 410 error pages that don’t get ranked. Sometimes, though, a soft 404 error page slips through the cracks. Suddenly, people are clicking on links that look like they’re valid, but they actually lead to nowhere!

  1. Their Internet Is The Problem

You can strive for hours to solve the fix, but it might just come down one basic thing: it’s their internet. This is why you need a group of people to test access if you’re getting reports of a broken website. Sometimes, it can be related to a problem with an internet browser, for example. Certain countries might block access, too, or it might just be a bad connection on their part. Don’t take one person’s word for it; conduct a test across many computers, browsers and internet connections.

We hope you’ve found this helpful in your quest to tackle your website access issues!

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