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Doctor Discovered For Molesting and His Patients — And All He Got Was House Arrest!

Doctor Discovered For Molesting and Photographing His Patients — And All He Got Was House Arrest!

 Doctor Discovered For Molesting and Photographing His Patients — And All He Got Was House Arrest!

Dr. Jeffrey J. Abrams, 68, worked at Volunteers In Medicine clinic in El Cajon near San Diego that was supposed to give free exams to women who couldn't afford them.

What really happened was a sick old man — Dr. Abrams — preyed on the weak and feeble, many of which were poor immigrants who couldn't speak much English.

Dr. Abrams ordered many of them to strip down naked as he molested them under the guise that he was giving them a medical exam. If that wasn't bad enough, one of the victims was only eight years old.

He finally had a case brought against him in 2014 when one woman went to the clinic, with a search warrant, Dr. Abrams had asked the woman to strip down, and then inserted his finger inside her and later took pictures of her on his camera phone.

He even took photos of another woman's vagina because he claimed he needed the photos to monitor any problems.

After these claims were made, authorities used their search warrant on the Doctor's clinic and seized his phone. What they found was "an excess of 1,300 photos." The photos were of several females in an exam room either fully or partially nude.

Abrams was finally arrested on November 7, 2014, but the doctor posted his $1.5 million bond only a few days later.

The doctor was charged with 24 felony counts — 15 of those were felony counts of sexual penetration of an unconscious victim, while eight of them were of sexual battery and he had one count of child pornography possession.

All racked up, he could have faced up to 40 years in prison.Some of the counts were dropped, but it still meant he could face as much as 25 years behind bars. By now you're probably like us — disgusted with how heinous and deplorable Abrams is — but it gets worse.

That's because on Friday, this sick freak was supposed to get what was coming to him. Instead, San Diego County Judge Laura Halgren only sentenced him to a year of house arrest for eight counts of sexual penetration of an unconscious person, three counts of sexual battery and the one possession of child pornography.

Of course he was also stripped of his medical license and branded as a sex offender, but seriously, only a year of house arrest?!

The reason the judge went so light on Abrams is because he suffers from kidney cancer and the judge also took into account how quickly the doctor pleaded guilty to his crimes. Another major factor in the light sentencing was that the victims — the 12 women who came forward — said they were satisfied with the sentencing and Abrams losing his medical license as well as having to register as a sex offender.

We suppose that if the victims can agree to these terms, there's some sort of justice there, but we still can't believe he got off so light. Sure he lost his license, but at that age, with cancer, and obviously quite a bit of money if he can post $1.5m bond, he's sure to live in some sort of style for as long as he's got left as opposed to behind bars where we think he should be!

What do you think? Did the justice system do right or do you think it's as ridiculous as we do?!

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