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Nigeria Customs Service Threatens To Shutdown One of the Most Prominent Hotel in Lagos

Nigeria Customs Service Threatens To Shutdown One of the Most Prominent Hotel in Lagos
The Nigeria Customs Service, NSC, is threatening to shut down one of Nigeria’s Most Prominent Hotel in Lagos, Intercontinental Hotel over unpaid duties of its parent company, Milan Group.

The dispute between the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) and a large rice investors in the country including Milan Group, the parent company of Intercontinental Hotel. This was disclosed thursday by Wale Adeniyi, Public Relations Officer of NCS.

Other major importers affected by the clampdown include Olam Group and Stallion Group – all owned by Asian nationals with vast investments in Nigeria.

In reaction to this threat, the rice investors said that apart from Intercontinental Hotel, other threats of the Nigeria Custom Service included closure of several unrelated industries promoted by the rice investors including factories that partner global multinationals and are driving industrial growth and employment.

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